
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Who AM I?

This is a question that I truely wish I had the answer to...I've been trying to figure it out for quite some time now but it's become a bigger issue as of late, I'm assuming because my daughter is about to head off to college and I'm worried about being an "empty nester". My whole life I've been a 'label'...
During school it was:
  • Donna & Ralph's 'middle' daughter
  • Terri, Kristi & Ralphs 'reliable' sister
  • The middle Murray girl
  • The Smart one...the shy one..

Then I grew up...kinda ... and added to those labels:

  • Lloyd's 'dependable' wife
  • Anna & Henry's daughter in law
  • Dustin & Bre's 'doting' mom
  • Maid, cook, laundress
  • Luke's secretary
  • Everyone's shoulder to cry on

Somewhere along the way I lost MELODY...or maybe I never knew who she was to begin with. How did I make it to 43 with absolutely NO idea of who to hell I am...most days I can't even remember who I was....and I have absolutely NO clue who I want to be. Aren't we supposed to know this when we grow up? I'm always asking my kids who and what they want to be when they grow up...why should I expect them to know the answer when I don't!

Maybe I should look in the lost and found and see what I can come up with. Maybe I should read loads of self-help books. Maybe I should seek counciling. Maybe I should drink ALOT more and then I wouldn't really care.