Bre's first day of Senior year...Becca's Freshman year
Whoa...time really does fly when you are "melting down". I had no idea it had been so long since my last post.
Well baby girl is all moved and settled into my sisters house and is fully entrenched in her SENIOR year in high school. She is loving every single minute of it. Her academic schedule is very manageable and she is doing very well...so far...and he social schedule is very full as well.
I, on the other hand, am not liking it quite so much. I really miss the day to day interaction with her...simple things drive me insane...like NOT knowing what she's wearing to school in the morning...or not hearing the tv in her room. She is supposed to come home every week end but already that is NOT happening...which I understand. Her boyfriend plays soccer and she has several friends who play foot ball so she likes to see the games. She is still home at least one night over the week end and I'm just going to have to get used to that I guess....After all next year she'll be away at college...YIKES!
I just couldn't let her start her senior year without seeing her off so at the last minute I jumped in my car and drove nearly an hour just to see her pull out of the driveway...and of course to irritate the hell out of her by taking too many pictures.
Notice the disgusted look on her face....

Evil smiles here...I'm pretty sure that she'd just said something nasty about dear ol' mom
Here...her uncle had just said something inappropriate about 'sugar lips'..he just loves to make them blush!