
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
&&**@(@#*Uncle Sam

He's NOT a good relative...A Classic TAKER!!!!! YUCK! I remember as a kid, and even as a married woman, looking forward to tax time...It always meant a little extra money...FUN money...A GIFT (I was too young then to realize it was MINE to begin with). My kids still get excited because they know they'll get a refund....

REFUND...just a distant memory now...**!!#&@*@## Uncle Sam always TAKES from me now...It really sucks.

Hubby-poo has been 'self-employed' for quite some time now, he's doing relatively well, increases his profit margin every year, he's even added a full time empolyee and a second service van, but between TAXES and INSURANCES, most of it STILL gets eaten up..It really does suck. He is sooooo very happy running his own business but there are days that I wish he still worked for someone know...just brought home a paycheck, had insurance...401K...NO worrying about inventory and scheduling, just put in his HOURS and leave the worries there...

Most people don't realize how much stress goes along with running your own business. So many times I hear (often from family)...Hey He works for himself...he can take time off whenever he wants...Yeah RIGHT...He's a heating contractor...he's on call 24/7...AND has to do all the ordering and paperwork...WAKE -UP people...this is NOT a game we are's OUR LIVES!!!!