Thursday, October 20, 2005
Not much to write about,so I think I will do one of these fun listy things. Sheri had this on her sight
1) My uncle once: Fired me, the only time in my life
I've been fired.
2) Never again in my life: Will I eat Sushi
3) When I was five: I went to kindergarten in Greenville, unfortunately that is the only memory I have...oh and I had a really bad hair cut - thanks mom!
4) High School was:
A rollercoaster ride!
5) I will never forget: My sons graduation
6) I once met: A man with a daddy long legs crawling
all over his face...he was ordering an ice cream from me and I had to bite my lip to NOT say anything.
7) There's this girl I know who: drives me absolutely insane - I work with her...YIKES!
8) Once, at a bar: I used my sisters ID to get in...actually way more then once
9) By noon I'm usually: Ready for a nap...
10) Last night I: Chatted a while, Watched LOST, waited up for baby girl to get home and then hit the sheets
11) If I had only: I'm with Sue on this one....gone to college
12) Next time I go to church: will be for a wedding or a funeral
13) What worries me most: MY KIDS...ALWAYS AND FOREVER
14) When I turn my head right, I see: A file cabinet...yes, I'm at work
15) When I turn my head left: Family pics
16) You know I'm lying when: I blush
17) You know what I miss most about the eighties: My awesome
black and silver high heeled sneaker...way kewel
18) If I was a character written by Shakespeare, I'd be: Juliette...NOT
19) By this time, next year: I will be Queen....of something!
20) A better name for me would be: Matilda...just 'cause!
21) I have a hard time understanding: Teenagers
22) If I ever go back to school I'll: major in psychology.
23) You know I like you if:
I give you a genuine smile
24) If I won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: my husband.
25) Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferarro are: Dead to me!
26) Take my advice, never:
27) My ideal breakfast is: Anything that somebody else cooks
28) A song I love, but do not have is: Paradise by the dashboard lights...
29) If you visit my hometown, I suggest: A camera...A warm Jacket...A love of nature...OR...lots of booze!
30) Why won't anyone: Believe me when I say "I'm ALWAYS right?"
31) If you spend the night at my house, DO: Bring your sleeping bag...I haven't got an extra bed
32) I'd stop my wedding for: Nothing
33) The world could do without: Wars
34) I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: EWWWWWW!
35) My favorite blonde is: Smarter then you might think
36) Paperclips are more useful than: Bubble me
37) San Diego means: Sunshine
38) And by the way: This was fun, pass it on!