Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Rain Rain Go Away
It's been raining
here for 4 days and it's still gloomy today, the sun has hidden itself behind the clouds
for so long I'm not sure what it even looks like any more. The rain is bad enough but what makes it worse is that my roof is leaking. I have had a bucket
catching water for days. We have known that the roof needed to be replaced for a couple of years now and have just been putting it off...well NOW we have to fix it, I don't like taking a shower in my living room. Hubby and brother can do the job and it will only take a week end to complete but here's the problem....HUNTING
season is fast approaching. My hubby could not possibly give up a Saturday during hunting to fix the roof...oh no...he MUST trapse thru the woods in search of the illusive white tail. He will spend enough money on gas and hunting paraphenalia to have bought an entire cow.
I know that he deserves his time to have FUN...but come on I deserve a dry living room too...don't I? Now we will stress out over getting our roof fixed
before October 29th...before it snows...before hubby is completely focused on hunting!