Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Wait just a minute MISTER!!!!
That's MY BABY! Another week-end spend with darling daughter and her boyfriend and....I'm ashamed to admit....I'm scared shitless. They are so sweet together and so devoted to one another....they may be ready for this....but I'm NOT.....just give me a little time! Don't get me wrong I couldn't have "hand picked" a better boy for my baby...but she's mine!!!! and I am NOT ready to give her up just yet. I am very proud of the young women that she is becoming but I miss the little girl she once was. She's been mine for 16 years now...I can't be expected to just hand her off to "ANYONE", even Mr. Perfect, without a fight. I can probably be convinced to share, but I'm not ready to back off completely, maybe I never will be! Oh...let's just face it...I don't have any choice in the matter do I? Good by baby girl....hello young women.....I THINK I WILL BE NEEDING LOTS AND LOTS OF CHOCOLATE!