Thursday, July 14, 2005
MORE Q & A's
Borrowed.....STOLEN from Sheri at daysofdeerledge
10 years ago: Hubby had just decided to become "self employed", I had a 9 year old, a 6 year old and a full time job. I was probably exhausted, although I tend to block that from my memory.
5 years ago: First summer without my mother, Dad had decided to try the computer dating thing, after a brief fling with one of mom's best friends, and wound up with a nutcase from Florida living with him for a month or so. Sister, Terri and family had just moved back from CT, I was so glad to have her back, Son was in full "puberty" mode, driving us all crazy with mood swings, yes it happens to boys too!!! Bre was facing all the problems of pre-pubescents, someone should have told me that girls go thru it about 3 yeas prior to boys...which put my two there at exactly the SAME time!!!!!
1 year ago: Finishing up the new garage and tearing up the front yard, I'm not crazy about yard work so I was not a happy camper.
Yesterday: Crazy day at Hubby gone to a seminar, son off with friends, daughter and I ordered out and played on the computers. She talks to me more throught IM then in person.
Today: Much quieter here today, boss is gone for a long week end, ads are finished. Hubby and kids are all at work too. The "Boyfriend" is headed up today for the week-end. Plan on actually cooking a meal tonite, shopping for the week end and just "chillin".
Tomorrow: Work til at least 3, then headed to camp for a week end of fun and games with family. SIL, BIL and niece are coming, along with both my kids and of course can't leave out "boyfriend", probably half dozen others as well, but that's OK....I like activity around me!!! SUNSHINE here I come.
5 snacks I enjoy: Ice cream, Potato chips, Cheese and crackers, Veggies and dip, fruit
5 Bands I know most of the lyrics their songs: Air Supply, Lonestar, Fleetwood Mac, Garth Brooks, sound track from Grease (yes I am old too)
5 things I would do with $100,000,000: Put some in the to see a +balance in my savings account. Pay off car. Get son a better vehicle. Buy new refrigerator, hate mine! College funds.
5 locations I'd like to run away to: Hawaii. Alaska (for hubby dear). Paris. New York City (short stay). Camp...not mine, a fancy one on the lake.
5 bad habits I have: Finishing peoples sentences. Ignoring my health. Over eating. Driving too fast. Nit picking (hubby's favorite one).
5 things I like doing: Reading. Watching movies. Kayaking. Spending time with family. Blogging.
5things I would never wear: Mini skirt. Belly shirt. Spiked heels (used to). Bikini. Camoflage anything!
5 TV shows I like: Friends. Will and Grace. This Old House Classics. Sex in the City. Who's Line.
5 movies I like: Dirty Dancing, Gone with the Wind, The Breakfast Club, Hello Dolly, Beauty and the Beast
5 famous people I'd like to meet: Keeping this to those who are alive... Oprah Winfrey. Leonardo DiCaprio. John Edwards, the psychic. Robin Williams. Martha Stewart.
5biggest joys at the moment: Family (I'm pleased with them right now). SUNSHINE. I have a long week-end!!!!! Oh, I really only have 3..think...think....think....oh the pressure. Co-workers (some of them). Lightening bugs...........ahhhh
This was very thought provoking, once again. Had a real hard time with 5 people I'd like to meet. hmmmmm. And 5 joys...really I am a happy person, guess I'm just not quite sure WHY.