Friday, April 08, 2005
Comfort Food
I've battled with my weight since I was in grade school, over the past 5-6 years I have lost about 2000 pounds....well gained and lost, gained and lost, gained and lost etc. High of 275, current of 215, low of 195....I really want to get to 180. I vowed to get back on program this week, I was doing really well too and then I got sick! Well sick to me means COMFORT FOOD, dinner last night was one of my favorites, grilled cheese (real cheese, real butter, real bread) and tomato soup (milk not water)... well my resolve to get "back on program" went out the window. I Know that I am an emotional eater, I was raised in a family that used food to solve every problem. Boyfriend cheated on you...have ice cream with hot fudge. Best friend disappoints you...spaghetti and meatballs. Bad grade at school...potato chips and french onion dip. Food wasn't just for bad things either. Good grades...Fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Christmas...piles and piles of rich get the point. Well now that I am an adult with two teenagers I do the same things. Over the past few years I have really tried to not make every event revolve around food but it is very difficult to change something that has been going on for soooooo many years. OK I've admitted it...I AM AN EMOTIONAL EATER....NOW WHAT?